Verify Google Authorship using a WordPress Plugin

It’s been along time since Google has introduced Google Authorship and well, it’s way easy to verify Google Authorship using a WordPress plugin rather than almost any other way (there’s a way in which you have to add a link in your author bio to get benefited I have described it in the end).
But, but before getting to how to verify Google Authorship let’s first see what is this if you don’t know it already,
It’s more than just showing your face on Google SERPS, it links your Google+ profile with your site’s results.
And a new thing has been in news and which is Google Author rank (it will judge whether you should be in the first few or in the last) and if you have know how to verify Google Authorship than you can easily have the extra benefit.

How to verify Google Authorship using a WordPress Plugin?

Verify Google Authorship using a WordPress Plugin - wp-social
The plugin we are using here is “WP Social SEO Booster” as it has many more features other than verifying this and is compatible with every SEO plugin. This makes it stand out from the rest.

And there’s not much to do to set it you only need to copy your Google’s profile URL and paste it in the box in the settings.
And now comes the other side of this, you have to do one more thing and which is add your site link to the “Contributor to” section in your Google+ about page. Make sure you are logged in.
You only need to add your site’s link and title there, nothing more.
Here comes, a way if you don’t wanna use a plugin. This would only replace the plugin thing the rest is the same.

1. Login to WordPress and click on Your Profile under Users in the admin panel to the right.
2. Now, get to the author bio and copy paste the below lines.
<a href=” Replace this place with your Google Profile link?rel=author”>
3. After pasting that carefully, just hit the Update Profile button.
You are done, you have successfully know the way to verify Google Authorship  using a plugin and without it.
Now just check whether you have done it correctly or not.
Go to Rich Snippets in Google Webmaster tools and enter one of your post’s URL and see whether your face is coming with the result or not.
If it is there than dance otherwise see what you have done wrong and correct it.

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