How to Add Auto Interlink Blog post feature on your WordPress Blog

Interlinking Blog posts are the best way to get high number of page views and is a great SEO factor. If you own a WordPress powered blog, then your luck. There is powerful plugin tool that automatically interlinks your blog post together, with the best keyword matching profile. So, go ahead enable the power of interlinking and see a surge in the amount of Page views.

Why should one Interlink Blog posts on their Blogs?

If you’re a pro blogger then there is a need to understand how a blog works. Page views and blog views are the things a pro blogger concentrates the most. Interlinking allows a blogger, to gain more page views than all the other methods combined. There are other methods to gain page views. You can use related post plugins to gain page views too. This method too is interlinking of blog posts.
If you are earning through CPM and RPM media then, You totally should understand the value of page views. The more the page views, the more you people will earn.
Other importance is that people start to gain trust upon your blog when they visit your blog and read more articles. They retain your message and  the trust factor is improved. Increase in trust factor will get you more visitors and gain you more revenue eventually. So, keep in mind always try to interlink your blog post.

SEO Auto Links and Related Posts plugin

SEO interlink plugin - seo alrp
SEO auto links and related posts plugin is a superb tool for Interlinking blog posts automatically. It also interlinks blogs, via a slide out related post plugin that you see in most popular blogs and website. Big bloggers from around the world promote interlinking posts via these methods. Auto Interlinking comes as a boon to the people who link articles to their blog manually.

To use SEO Auto Links and related posts, first install it via the plugin search tool in WordPress using the name of the plugin. Once you download it. Install the plugin and activate it.
Now from the dashboard select and click on SEO ALRP, once you are there. Click on Dashboard and scroll down and select the free version and activate the plugin. You can also buy the premium version or use the registered version.
The registered version needs registration and will record all the click and tracks of interlinking. Where as the Premium features is useless, I would suggest don’t pay for it.

SEO ALRP - Auto Links Interlink tool

Once you have activated the plugin. The plugin will start working on its own and post will be interlinked with ease. You can change the interlinking process, increase the amount of links to be interlinked to each other via the Auto links tab on the WordPress Dashboard. The auto links are processed using tags and meta keywords of your blog. You can choose to use both of them, one of them or none from the settings menu.
If you want to manually interlink a term to a single post using one keyword.You can manually write it down in that settings page and voila it’s done.
SEO ALRP Related post settings
The related posts settings is also there on the dashboard. You can also mess with the settings of that. You can choose how many post should be showed in the related post slide out box. You can show affiliate links in that box (Premium version) and small other settings. You can also select how many related post should be shown on the page. Size and shape of the related post boxes. You can use a aggressive method or a more subtle method to relate one and another post with each other.

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