All Keyboard Shortcuts for VLC Media player | Mostly Useful

As we all know that VLC Media player is one of the best player for our PC it can play any video, audio file in any format easily and for which people who use Vlc media player a lot i have some most useful keyboard shortcuts keys for it with the help of this key you can easily perform different-different tasks by just clicking keys of your keyboard. so here is the shortcuts :-

1. Space - To play or pause and Video.
2. Z - zoom the video
3. S - for stop a video or any playing file.
4. F - for full screen and playing video.
5. T - For check remaining time of playing video.
6. M - For Mute playing video or audio.
7. CTRL+Left / Right arrow key - For going forward or previous in a video.
8. CTRL+UP/Down arrow key - For increase and decrease the volume of video. 
9. A - For crop video in different different Aspect Ratio.
10. B - for change Audio track(WHICH VIDEO HAS 2 OR MULTIPLE AUDIO FORMAT ).
11. C - For crop video in different sizes.

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